Posts in: Journal

Anytime there’s news of a child dying, and most especially by the hands of their own parent or caregiver, my heart breaks for days.

While I haven’t used it much, no regrets to my renewing. Happy to see Ulysses will let me post directly from the app to here, and wondering if WWDC is going to inspire me and my cough copious cough amounts of spare time.

It's getting better?

The Internet is getting better (yes, parts of it, or the people and businesses behind it continue to be rubbish) with all this… enjoying catching-up with what and (some old school aggregation and curation) have corralled over the past week. Digging Brian May’s Instagram posts. There are many little reasons to hope. For now I’m focusing on individual creativity and sharing. (Without devolving into a power politics analysis, we gotta do more than hope.

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Time has passed, stuff happened

Plenty has happened since I last bothered to post here. I got to travel a bit more, my wife gave birth to our son, I’ve been mucking around on the preview of Planetary, I got promoted. I’ve gotten overwhelmed, stuck, unstuck, stuck again. Working on it.

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Thunder From the Mountains

Really digging this Orson Welles radio play about Benito Juarez and the Mexican resistance to French imperialism being aired tonight on an NPR affiliate. I’m sure it’s a flawed telling of the history, but I dig Welles and its a more in depth telling of what Cinco de Mayo is an observation of than most mentions in broadcast media now.

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