Posts in: Journal

The Browser Wars may be over, but ...

… the fiefdoms remain. There doesn’t seem to be a combination of browser extensions that gives me the combination of features I want, in the experience I want, to have some parity across the multiple browsers I use every day. The shortlist (this is not all-inclusive) might be: Safari’s “merge all windows” Safari’s “arrange tabs by web site” (or alphabetically by title) Chrome’s tab groups (Safari’s groups are closest, But I like the in-tab-bar experience a little better) Syncing of groups across instances/platforms on that browser (Safari does it best, I want the same experience on Chrome, Firefox) Firefox’s containers

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Bedtime in the time of COVID

Trying to coax my two year old to bed, I feel my energy drain and my ambition to catch-up on work ebb as his arm reaches out for me on my third visit to get him back to bed. His pats on my head as he snuggles kill any desire to fully awaken and get some work done. We’ve all been under house arrest for nine days and we’ve got 5 more based on the staggered positive cases and varying vaccination states.

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Rough, with a side of sweet

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, and this and subtweeting the nature of my sleep interruptions is how I vent. But there are good things too, I wish felt like I could share them fully on the open Internet. My kiddo is into making dinosaur noises and I’ve got a sweet video of it from this morning. He seems to be on the tail end of this bout of HF&M.

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Foot in mouth about Hand, Foot and Mouth

At the end of last week my wife and I were congratulating ourselves for missing a Hand, Foot and Mouth outbreak at our daycare. But, by Saturday morning it was clear something was off about the kiddo and a rocky weekend was underway. By Saturday afternoon, blisters were visible. By Sunday he had broken out and he had a fever. Luckily he kept eating, drinking enough to not get dehydrated and children’s Tylenol and Motrin do their thing fairly well.

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Climate insomnia & amnesia

The heat wave here in DC, nothing like the heat dome effects of the Southwest and Northwest, has actually broken. So I did not have a hot, sleepless night. Merely a sleepless one. Still, our early and exceptional heat wave coupled with news about the western heat waves and correspondence with a friend in my childhood home turf about a heat wave in Upstate New York brought my insomniac attention to the issue of overnight temperatures.

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Near miss

The Mid-Atlantic region and DC were always known for stormy summers, and even catching the tail of hurricanes now and again. But yesterday, and last night especially, was intense. The Tornado Warning alerts caught us off guard. I had to check to see if was meant for us. I found I lived inside territory covered by those red boxes and ultimately under that storm track. Tornado Warned storm left rotation track right through the middle of Washington, D.

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Counting blessings, being counted

I filled out a random Census survey on behalf of my family about my child’s health over the past year. I am once again reminded as to how immensely lucky my family is, and saddened by all the challenges out there (the vast majority that I, so far, could respond β€œno” to). Still, certain questions made it clear that we were deeply affected this year, and maybe the kiddo’s parents are worse for wear.

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