Day 7: Park

Day 6: Silhouette

Day 5: Earth

Day 4: Thorny. Also, cliche.

Day 3: Experimental. This whole democracy thing.

So far it all jibes. It’s fucked, but it jibes.

Day 2: Photo

Currently reading: The Ministry for the Future: A Novel by Kim Stanley Robinson πŸ“š

…reminded its been on my list for a couple of years now with a very specific news article in the New York Times, which closely matched the opening pages I had sampled previously.

Finished reading: Termination Shock: A Novel by Neal Stephenson πŸ“š

Appreciated this, and many of his past works, I think as shallowly and as deeply as needed but was prompted to consider that with the latest On The Media.

Amen… er, Solidarity.