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On compromise

Some compromises slow things down in order to turn a path forward into manageable steps and gain traction for each one, affording for inclusion, time for everyone to learn, agree, disagree, adjust, correct — iterate. That’s nice when there’s time and good faith.

It’s hard, can be complicated, full of nuance and tolerance of opposing skepticism or inclinations, harder for those with strong convictions, clarity of vision, and particularly the preponderance of data.

These are noble compromises.

Some compromises are not in good faith. They are pantomimes and designed to run out the clock. They’re exploits of vulnerabilities in whatever the established rules are. They’re worthless at best and weapons at worst — a dogma of centrism and “pragmatism” (for whom?) shielding greed.

I am sometimes very afraid we’re going to run out the clock.

Or we already have but our warped sense of time and consequences means we perceive the inevitable as in an indeterminite future?

Game over.

System crash.