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What good comes out of increasing the void of help for the innocent?

I’m not really making an effort at being a news blogger. I have little to add of any unique value. I do not want to sound self-important. If there’s anything to when I do comment on the larger world I do not control or have particular expertise in, it is to assert as much agency as I think we all might have due to any way we might relate to the world, to care about things and to ask for justice.

So, if you know me, you already knew I wasn’t going to be surprised nor accept the justification behind this happening: Israel strikes aid convoy organized by U.S. humanitarian group, killing 5 .

But there is a little more: I knew ANERA people. The people I know and knew are no longer with the organization and generally were not in the field in the occupied territories. I know this is an organization meaningfully contributing to establishing some kind of well being for civilians without being attached to ideology.

The IDF’s actions are reprehensible and evidence of their institutional incapacity to act proportionately or in good faith and only give fuel to their self-stated ostensible intended opponents.