Our (the U.S.’s) late-December 2019/January for the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 for the Climate Crisis was 30-40 years ago.

On compromise

Some compromises slow things down in order to turn a path forward into manageable steps and gain traction for each one, affording for inclusion, time for everyone to learn, agree, disagree, adjust, correct — iterate. That’s nice when there’s time and good faith. It’s hard, can be complicated, full of nuance and tolerance of opposing skepticism or inclinations, harder for those with strong convictions, clarity of vision, and particularly the preponderance of data.

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Time has passed, stuff happened

Plenty has happened since I last bothered to post here. I got to travel a bit more, my wife gave birth to our son, I’ve been mucking around on the preview of Planetary, I got promoted. I’ve gotten overwhelmed, stuck, unstuck, stuck again. Working on it.

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Woodford in the solstice sunset.

Just the neighborhood apostolic house of god. NE DC.

I am trying to stay out of the little loops that steal time and presence; to enjoy the things I actually enjoy without getting trapped — by those things or by distractions.

Tonight finished some TV (or TV-like) stuff I have really enjoyed and then felt relieved. No rush to start something new. I did feel the need to read — newsletters and rss feeds, open browser tabs. I did. I also closed and rejected things I could not complete. I felt better.

Nourished and unburdened.

I confronted the urge to ignore tomorrow and took a peek. I might be better prepared because of it and able to sleep sooner.

This loop metaphor I’m running with is @craigmod’s about getting trapped, not attaining @randsinrepose.com’s flow. Staying outside the little loops gives you a chance at flow.

This town (Washington, DC) is a shitshow and it’s only too hip to know and to not know.

An election shouldn't be anything like a horse race

“The handicappers influence the betting … the horserace coverage is more distorted than ever.” My only quibble w/this analysis is it was too extreme long ago in parallel w/media consolidation & declines in media literacy. www.wnycstudios.org/story/on-…

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Thunder From the Mountains

Really digging this Orson Welles radio play about Benito Juarez and the Mexican resistance to French imperialism being aired tonight on an NPR affiliate. I’m sure it’s a flawed telling of the history, but I dig Welles and its a more in depth telling of what Cinco de Mayo is an observation of than most mentions in broadcast media now.

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